Saturday, October 25, 2008

HP Credential Manager doesn't recognize Authentec Fingerprint Reader (AES2501A)

I encountered this problem, presumably after a driver update to the AuthenTec Fingerprint Reader. This problem was seen under Windows Vista, although I have seen XP users on the forums complaining of a similar issue. I have managed to fix it on my machine.

[This isn't, as far as I can tell, a Microsoft problem. I think that it is HP's [edit: AuthenTec's] mistake. There appears to be a driver incompatibility between the Credential Manager and AuthenTec's fingerprint reader.]


  • HP Credential Manager version stopped 'seeing' the fingerprint reader.
  • The "Register Credentials" wizard did not have the fingerprint reader as one of the options.
  • Under the Credentials tab under Multifactor Authentication, the Register button was ghosted under the 'Fingerprint Authentication' selection.


The fix was to use version for the fingerprint reader.

First, download the driver. I found it here:

Decompress this driver and install it. It will not 'take' yet, since Windows will use the later driver (e.g. 10.x.x.x).

Under Device Manager->Personal identification-> AuthenTec Inc. AES2501A, right click and select Properties. Look at the driver version. Mine did not work for 10.x.x.x and 9.x.x.x.

Clicking "Roll Back Driver" only worked for moving from 10.x.x.x to 9.9.x.x.

To remove the driver, click Uninstall. Select 'Delete the driver software for this device.'


The device should immediately reappear under the Device Manager. Check the version. If it is still greater than, uninstall the device again and delete the driver software again. Repeat until version appears.

Finally, don't update the driver.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

My HTC Touch Cruise!

Well, I got my PDA back. Everything works on it again, which is nice. HTC actually honoured the warranty too.

There is some software that I would like to install on it:

1) HTC has released a ROM to upgrade to Windows Mobile 6.1:

2) The capable folks over at xdadevelopers have released a 3D driver in light of HTC's lack thereof:

The CAB is available here:

See also:

They are now working on 2D acceleration.

3) Manilla2D - Or HTC TouchFlo 3D for the HTC Touch Cruise - has been released:

The CAB is available from this thread:

4) PointUI Home: Pretty slick, quite useful:

They are releasing a new version in free/paid editions in version 2.0. The paid edition is probably going to be awesome, given the quality of version 1.5.